We offer a modular and scalable platform to manage Trials. You can choose between the following modules or ask us new ones:

eCRF (electronic Case Report Form)
  • Electronic forms
  • Automatic validation for each field with help warning
  • Warnings for required fields
  • Help notes
  • Connection with other systems (core labs)
  • eReport for each case
  • Follow ups module
online Reports
  • Global view
  • Uncompleted patients
  • Patients per hospital
  • Patients per user
  • Overdue follow ups
  • Next follow ups
  • Adverse events
  • Inscription data
  • Reports sender tool
  • Others
Monitoring tools
  • Audit Trail
  • Queries
  • Warning notifications
  • Visit reports
  • Regulatory status
  • Investigational product tracking
  • Sites communication tool
  • SOPs
  • Team training
Data management modules
  • Statistic module
  • Export data
  • Datacuts
  • Payment control
  • Reports sender
  • Audit trail
  • Queries
Quality and security
  • Backups
  • Data security (ISO 27001 certified)
  • Verification and validation
  • SOPs

and of course integral CRO services (monitoring, data management, biometry, etc).